Nice article from Shin Liang ;)~~ bins for thoughts
Ini dia Malaysia! No matter how corrupted, we will vote for our government ... because there is a chance ...
There is a chance that BN will stop all the corruption
There is a chance that without UMNO, Malays will lose their place
There is a chance that without MCA, Chinese will lose whatever is left of their rights
There is a chance that PAS will introduce extreme Islamic laws
There is a chance that Pakatan will be unable to govern Malaysia if they reach Putrajaya
There is a chance ...
There is a chance that BN will end the NEP when the Malays are rich enough...
There is a chance that BN will give equality to all Malaysians given long enough time...
There is a chance that if the non-Malays stop learning Chinese, the Malays will accept us better.
And there is a chance that one day they will stop calling us "pendatang"
There is a chance...
There is a chance when ISA will no longer be there, when all of us are equally rich, and where finally there is meritocracy all over.
For 60 years BN has cheated us, but there is a chance they will not do it anymore.
There is a chance, they changed.
There is a chance, they will change.
Because of chance and fear or change, we choose BN.
Because there is a chance things will get better and not worse.
Martin Luther King has a dream. But in Malaysia, we do not dream. Instead, we give chance...
1Malaysia Boleh
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彭雪琴 Snowpiano^ ^
I have a dream: A dream without discrimination, a dream without corruption, a dream without unfair and abuse power; A dream with happiness and joy of all races...And all of them realize in Malaysia. That is my dream and what I am pursuing now.... A better Malaysia for a better life. For you and me and the future generation.
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